Delta Science  Get in touch
Delivered Projects in Digital Research, Data Science & Data Engineering

Spectrum of Verticals / Industries

Successful data projects realised so far can be categorised along the following industries:
Medicine, Health & Digital Life Sciences

Medicine, Health & Digital Life Sciences

E-commerce & Digital Business

E-commerce & Digital Business

Financial Services

Financial Services

Food & FMCG

Food & FMCG

Proven Support Activities

Essential building blocks

Establishing data flows that enable insight generation is a multi-step process with different building blocks and aspects in reference to specific project needs. Here is a summary of some representative support activities of previous successful projects:

Qualitative & Quantitative Research for Medical Devices and Digital Services

  • Health & Medicine
  • Food & FMCG
  • Startups

Designing, implementing and analysing online/offline surveys as well as in person/remote user interviews on usability, customer satisfaction and problem/solution matching. Extracting actionable insights and combining them with quantitative behavioural user data to shape and advance the product feature roadmap. The implementation of qualitative data collections included managing external market research providers/recruiters and ensuring data quality control and correct implementation of inclusion/exclusion criteria.

Scientific Guidance, Expertise & Quality Assurance in Digital Life Sciences

  • Health & Medicine
  • Science
  • Insurances

Enabling and supporting several digital health applications to be certified as medical devices. Designing the validation concept and its implementation at piloting institutions together with a user testing scheme, incl. data analysis and insights generation. Coordinating the product team with the scientific project partner (academic research institution) and the public funding agency, including goals alignment and reporting. Providing a manual-based treatment scheme for an online-counseling solution, reviewing its technical & UX/UI implementation and representing the single point of contact with the scientific community.

Data Driven Product Development For Innovative Digital Solutions

  • E-commerce
  • Food & FMCG
  • Startups

Establishing and following iterative, systematic processes to test digital products/feature sets that integrate the design team as well as the IT team by applying the principle of "Build-Measure-Learn", i.e. lean product development. Applying this principle to tackle the biggest risk innovation teams face, namely building something quickly that customers don’t want or need. Getting a true user perspective via behavioural data as early as possible in order to drive the process of creation and development. Creating a learning framework that includes unbiased user-centric insights to provide a solid base for decision making and avoids becoming self-referential (getting exactly what you already know that you want and hence failing to learn from real-word evidence).

Online Web/App Analytics & Experiment Design, Execution and Analysis

  • E-com. & Automotive
  • Financial services
  • Food & FMCG

Defining key activities of user behaviour in digital environments in alignment with underlying business goals. Prioritising and specifying distinct user events to be considered, detailing tracking setup, data collection and data quality assurance of server/data base entries. Experiment drafting and planing, incl. sample size (power) estimates for investigated experimental conditions, technical requirements definition and experiment execution. Data preparation (data queries), pre-processing and analysis to investigate online user behaviour (web & mobile) using different tracking-tools such as Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, Mixpanel, Countly, Matomo, etc. as well as self-hosted data points.

Lean Analytics & Tracking Framework Design, Guidance and Evaluation

  • E-commerce
  • Financial services
  • Automotive

Providing a systematic need-based analytics evaluation focused on the core business challenges. Designing an integrated event-based tracking concept with implementation specifics to establish a strictly need-based measurement setup of key user activities in div. digital environments (website, mobile, web-shop). Data monitoring and systematic contrasts of different patterns of user behaviour within the new tracking setup, including A/B testing and comparison of online ad campaigns in respect to defined key performance indicators (KPIs)

Developing/Executing Evaluation Studies, (e.g. "DIGA" formats) & Scientific Projects

  • Health & Medicine
  • Science
  • Pharma

Do patients really profit from a given digital health applications as intended? This is the very center of a systematic evaluation. This is the same topic healthcare regulators in Germany want to see addressed by manufacturers of digital healthcare solution to access the statutory healthcare system. Developing & executing a systematic evaluation concept (e.g. executed in the way of a clinical trial) provides critical empirical evidence. Supporting the gathering, analysis and presentation of sample data has become equally important. In addition, some projects entail to publish their findings in international, peer-reviewed journals. This is a rigorous process to share the encountered findings with the scientific community. For my most recent publications please see PubMed.

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